Sunday, May 3, 2015

Update post: Deliah and Deirdre

The little girls are eating completely on their own now! Deliah still likes to step in her food and swim across the plate but Deirdre has passed her in weight. They are at 308g and 327g respectively.

They LOVE the Royal Canin Kitten kibble and take turns burying their faces in the bowl of it. 

Even though they are eating on their own I still do weigh-ins 5 times a day. This will continue until they are no longer in foster. With such small babies it's extremely important to monitor and make sure weight gain stays constant. Any little change in their digestive bacteria, food, or surroundings can cause an upset in their growth and get them sick. 

1 comment:

  1. Adorable thinking of adopting Drika at Austin Animal Shelter. ; )
