Monday, October 13, 2014

Elliot: Clean bill of health!

As of Friday at 4:30 pm Elliot has been completely cleared of all health issues! The ringworm which had been stubbornly hanging on is FINALLY gone and Elliot has been given a spot in the Austin Pets Alive cattery at the Town Lake location.

Elliot will now hang out with the other kitties waiting for adoption. You can visit him from 11am - 7pm in the cattery!

Here's a little retrospective of my very first foster baby:

5 1/2 weeks old and only 220grams. He was on antibiotics three times a day and had to receive injections to keep him hydrated. He was on medication to try and stimulate his appetite. He was riddled with ringworm.

8 weeks old and 1.5 lbs. He had to undergo 2x weekly baths in a lime-sulfur dip to try and kill off the ringworm. He had a bad allergic reaction to the dip and lost most of his fur. He got put on another very strong antibiotic cocktail.

12 weeks old and almost 3 lbs. Elliot came down with an upper respiratory infection and had to start another round of antibiotics. He was congested and sneezing. His fur started to grow back in but he still had to wear sock sweaters for warmth.

4 months old and 5 lbs. Elliot's foster brother Flint got cleared of his ringworm and was adopted out to a wonderful foster family. Elliot's ringworm was STILL pestering him and he had to undergo another two weeks of oral medication for the pesky skin condition.

5 months old and 7.5 lbs. Elliot gets a clean bill of health and is awarded with a new home in the cattery! He will be viewed by dozens of families daily and will be scooped up and adopted any day now.

Elliot has made an amazing recovery from the sick, malnourished  baby that first came to stay with me. I'm so happy that he was able to bounce back from such a very rough start. I will check in on him at the cattery today and see how he is adjusting to this new surroundings.

I love you sweet boy!

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