Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Finally some new kittens!

This past Wednesday a friend shared a post with me on Facebook from the local regional animal shelter:

The local shelter, which is a fabulous no-kill shelter, was at max capacity and desperately needed some help. So I hopped in my car and headed over to pick up a new pair of foster kittens. The staff at the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter were thrilled, even more so when I told them that I love taking in ringworm kittens. They had 40 cats and kittens with ringworm and hardly any fosters who would take them in. So I was sent home with a pair of kittens (known as Sumac 1 and 2) who had already been treated for a month and still had their pesky ringworm.
Two gorgeous little ginger tabbies, with medium-long hair. One boy and one (very rare for a ginger) girl. They had been brought in almost a month earlier and were still almost completely feral. They tested negative for Panleukopenia (kitty parvo) but positive for intestinal worms, fleas, earmites, and ringworm. The little gal also had a really gunky winky eye, which was a good indicator that she had an Upper Respiratory Infection as well.

The staff at the overworked shelter were so happy to see these guys get a foster home! I'm looking forward to getting these kitties over their shyness and teaching them that people are kind and loving.

(The next few posts will be updates on the kittens from my Facebook page, since I have fallen behind on the whole blogging thing. Bad kitty blogger!)

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